Breaking News
Thursday, 6 August 2015

Info Post

Pope is back where he started — in the City Hall bureaucracy — as a $116,856-a-year deputy commissioner of the Department of Water Management, which has been at the center of the Hired Truck and city hiring scandals.  

Former Ald. John Pope (10th) didn’t miss a beat or a buck before landing on his feet after losing his runoff April 7 to challenger Susan Sadlowski Garza by just 20 votes.

Pope is back where he started — in the City Hall bureaucracy — as a $116,856-a-year deputy commissioner of the Department of Water Management, which has been at the center of the Hired Truck and city hiring scandals.

The hiring of Pope comes as Mayor Rahm Emanuel has talked about scouring the budget for every available dollar before raising taxes to solve the combined, $30 billion pension crisis at the city and public schools that has dropped Chicago’s bond rating to junk status.

The former alderman started his new job last week. The position had been vacant since March 2013.

“He is assigned to the Bureau of Water Supply and will be working on the administration and staffing of the two water filtration plants and DWM’s other pumping facilities,” Water Management spokesman Peter Scales wrote in an emailed statement.

“John has decades of administrative experience, having spent several years of his career as a budget analyst . . . and in the mayor’s office overseeing the construction and management of Chicago’s infrastructure. DWM will benefit from his vast experience and expertise to analyze . . . facility


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