Breaking News
Thursday 24 September 2015

Info Post
A Channel 4 presenter has apologised after being accused of using a racial slur when he said Barack Obama was ‘smiling like a split watermelon’ during a meeting with the Pope.

The use of the phrase during a report on the pontiff's high-profile visit to the US last night sparked anger and dismay among those watching.

Matt Frei, Europe Editor for Channel 4 News, quickly moved to apologise and said he wasn't aware the watermelon is often considered a symbol of racism towards black people in America.

It dates back to a stereotype that the fruit is a favourite of African Americans.

Mr Frei took to Twitter to explain that he was unaware of the racial undertone associated with his expression.

He wrote: 'I apologise to those upset by my description of President Obama’s smile on tonight’s programme.

'It was intended as an entirely innocent phrase that apparently has a history I simply wasn’t aware of. Honestly no offence intended.'

But Twitter users were left astonished by his use of the phrase.

British former NBA player John Amaechi wrote: 'I'm sorry, did Channel 4 News just say Obama was "smiling like a split watermelon"? WTF. No. Just no. How does that get past editorial?!'

In response to Mr Frei's explanation, Meredith Wheeler wrote: 'It was very offensive! You spent years in America. Ridiculous!'


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