Breaking News
Sunday, 4 October 2015

Info Post
Geraldo Rivera aka Jerry or Gerald has had a decades-long career based on embarrassing reporting from Al Capone’s safe to giving away troop positions. His latest blunder is to show his complete disregard for the Constitution.

His response to the Oregon massacre on his Facebook page was to call the Second Amendment “bulls*t” and, in way of contradiction, say the school should have had more armed guards. So, with the logic of a gun grabber, he wants to decide who is allowed to have a gun when anything he could come up with wouldn’t have stopped this disturbed man’s mother from keeping an arsenal at home and taking him to the gun range instead of getting him help.

So the Constitution is “bulls*t” but his illogic isn’t. He knows guns are the one thing that could keep us safe but he wants to take them away from law-abiding gun owners who didn’t commit any crimes. An entire nation must lose their rights to allow for the handful of deranged. Why don’t we start opening mental institutions again instead?



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