Breaking News
Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Info Post
Sitting in the courtroom of Judge Erica Reddick at 26th and California, one comes to know clearly the cost of a legitimate imaginative life in Chicago.

The reason is that since the takeover of a vast part of the city by a collection of 1960s radicals through what has become known as the wrongful conviction movement, a vicious imaginative tyranny has imposed itself upon the city.

This tyranny is led by attorney G. Flint Taylor at the People’s Law Office, a law firm that got its start representing the families of Black Panthers Mark Clark and Fred Hampton, who died during a shoot-out with Chicago Police and federal agents in 1969.

Since then, the clients of the PLO are a virtual Who’s Who of America subversives and terrorists, many of them guilty of the most cruel and brutal crimes, including bombings. Included among them are the Weather Underground and FALN. Of the Weather Underground in particular, a common refrain in their political ideology was the call “to kill the pigs.”



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