Breaking News
Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Info Post
Where is Andy Shaw and the Chicago BGA?

A certain Cook County Deputy Sheriff Officer who is allowed to create his own hours is also a Robert Morris College Administrator/Recruiter where Kevin Connelly and other Dart top aides are seeking Doctorate and Master Degrees..

The appearance of impropriety and alleged scandals never seems to end in the Tom Dart administration. Numerous sources confirm that at least three of Dart's top aides are furthering their education at Robert Morris College... Kevin Connelly is seeking his Doctorate Degree while Dana Wright and Kelly Jackson are working on Masters Degree's respectively.

We commend them for furthering their education, but unfortunately, the story does not just end.. The Deputy Sheriff who is allowed to come and go as he pleases and create his own hours is also a Robert Morris College administrator and is the 'Recruiter' for the Sheriff's office. This Deputy is given a car and other perks not allowed by other deputies in the department. Most people who work 9-5 have a set schedule and have to punch in and are held accountable for their whereabouts.... The question remains who is taking care of this guy and why?.. Why is Robert Morris College allowed to actively advertise on our 'secured' email network? I know we are cynical to think something nefarious may be going on here.  But where there's smoke there's usually fire!!


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